I usually find packing for a trip a bit hectic because there are so many things I would like to take along and yet carrying heavy baggage is not fun in the least, so it’s a matter of prioritizing- basics and guilty pleasures. There are things that are an essential in every safari, then things you just can’t give up for a weekend, or fortnigh or month. Here’s a guide on how to mix a match;


A flashlight can come in handy for people who like to take night walks or even just be prepared for emergencies. Would you rather be in the dark without a light or have one in case it gets dark??

For the astronomer or bird watcher, a pair of binoculars is a must have. Nothing like improved sight to view the stars or birds a little clearer.

Comfortable shoes will make walking fun. Lightweight, durable, great soles, waterproof, and  comfortable shoes are a must for each safari trip you need. Flip flops or sandals are great to relax in at the end of a busy day on tour.

In this day and age, a camera is essential. Whether you are a fan of photography or just want to keep pictures of what you saw, and how much fun you had, taking your camera along is a decision you won’t regret. In case of digital cameras, take it fully charged and carry along your charger or batteries because you will definitely need to recharge or change batteries, so much to see.

A hat will keep the scorching sun off your head and out of your eyes. You might need sunscreen too.

For clothing, pack something light but covering the legs if you are taking a hike or walk. You might need something warm for the night.

Entertainment is a choice but I consider it a basic. If you are a book person, music person, carry something to pass the time on a long ride.

Snacks and water. You might want to take along a few things you want to nibble and sip on along the way.

My Guilty Pleasures

I Like to talk to people so my phone fully charged is a must. I like to update, take pics and catalog every bit of my trip.

Chocolate is something I like to eat to relax. So I like to take it on trips to relax.

A travel companion is the perfect compliment to an already good trip. You need someone to experience your trip with you and keep your company

Well enough secrets, pack something you are addicted to, it will definitely make your trip worth remembering.




You know one of those weeks where nothing seems to be going right and you just want to bury your head in the sand? Well here is a better thought. Try traveling instead. It could be one day or even 3 but as long as you take time off to see something new then you will feel refreshed and happier.


You get to see new cultures. It is interesting to see how other people live and it never loses its appeal. Just take a breath and go see new people. You will become appreciative of other cultures; instead of instinctively criticizing that which is “different,” you will be motivated to accept new cuisine or alternative forms of entertainment that you wouldn’t dare accept before.

You can pick up new languages, eat your fill of foreign foods and enjoy yourself like crazy.

You get to find you. Sometimes you lose yourself in work and schedules and deadlines that you even forget to breathe. This is a time to find out what you like and who you could be. Traveling is known to provide people with a whole new perspective, whether that means no longer stressing over the small stuff or promising to get out there. Leaving the comfort zone and heading for a foreign land gives you new eyes.

The good news is you don’t have to plan ahead. With Sabili Tours, we plan for you on where to go, where to sleep, what you will do and all you have to do is show up so there is no stress with your trip. Contact us so we can plan for you.



It gets pretty frustrating to go to work day in and day out, all day, all week, knowing there is no rest from the stress of a hectic schedule and yet you can’t quit your job. Here is a few things to do that may not take more than a day off your schedule.


There is nothing as relaxing as a night time walk in the cool breeze. You don’t even have to plan your walk out as this may add to your stress. Just walk and don’t stop until you view the world a little differently.


If you can get some time off, like 3 days or so; travel somewhere you have always dreamed of going. It could be Hawaii, California, Jinja, Ssese Islands, whatever takes your fancy. Just plan out a trip or get a tour company to plan you a restful trip then go see something new, or do something old from a different place.


If you are too Tired to even think, take a lazy day. Stay indoors and watch Tv in your pajamas and eat things out of the box and drink canned soda and just don’t leave bed or your couch. You can set your phone to silent or even switch it off so you don’t have to deal with people on this day.


Plan something crazy you wouldn’t normally do. Go bungee jumping or rafting, go to Disneyland and take a ride on the Ferris Wheel, whatever stops you from thinking for long. If you don’t fancy being alone take along company and enjoy every minute of that day so you are rejuvenated after.

Go ahead, take some time off before you get burnt out. If you’re in need of travel, book with us and we shall take you there. Contact us here.


For the Easter weekend this year, Sabili Tours is doing a recap of the Murchison Falls trip from last year. The park is dissected by Victoria Nile which plunges 45m over the rift valley wall creating the famous Murchison Falls.

This is a lovely park to see some of the big game like giraffes, elephants, buffaloes and hippos. Lions too can be seen when they aren’t taking their long routine naps. A game drive will let you see as many as possible.

It has a wide variety of bird species so for the bird watchers, it is a worthwhile trip.

This is an opportunity to take a boat ride as well and see the hippos and crocodiles upclose.


The park is bisected by the Victoria Nile, which plunges 45m over the remnant rift valley wall, creating the dramatic Murchison Falls, the centerpiece of the park and the final event in an 80km stretch of rapids. – See more at:
The park is bisected by the Victoria Nile, which plunges 45m over the remnant rift valley wall, creating the dramatic Murchison Falls, the centerpiece of the park and the final event in an 80km stretch of rapids. – See more at:
The park is bisected by the Victoria Nile, which plunges 45m over the remnant rift valley wall, creating the dramatic Murchison Falls, the centerpiece of the park and the final event in an 80km stretch of rapids. – See more at:
The park is bisected by the Victoria Nile, which plunges 45m over the remnant rift valley wall, creating the dramatic Murchison Falls, the centerpiece of the park and the final event in an 80km stretch of rapids. – See more at:


It is a town located a 3 hour drive from Kampala city. It has as many attractions as you could possibly want and even more. Take some time and visit this scenic town for a wonderful weekend.

Bujagali Falls

This is a lovely place to hear tales about the gods and watch men float on the rapids with nothing but a jerrycan to bring them back to safety. It is daring, exciting and  will keep you entertained.

White water rafting

They say you should go rafting atleast once, maybe more if you dare. It takes handling your demons and embracing them to calm your fear and enjoy the exhilaration of fighting to stay afloat in your raft. It’s scary yet might be exactly what you need.

Bungee Jumping

This is done by jumping off a 44m cliff while harnessed from the top. You can opt to let your feet be dipped in the water or be yanked up before. To add a bit of illicit thrill, try a jump in the night. You will enjoy the combination of fresh cool air and the adrenaline as you jump. The best part is you can jump with a friend if you are scared.


The former Hotel Triangle, currently called Brisk is one of a few spots you can go to find a large pool to swin in. For a low price, you can enjoy the privacy of the water and work those kinks out for the day.

Visit the Swaminarayan Hindu temple

The main Hindu temple is situated on the way to the show ground from Jinja town. It is lovely to look at and you can take a tour so as to see anything you are curious about.

Boat ride

It would be a plus to enjoy a boat ride while in Jinja Town. You can get one at the Source of the Nile or Bujagali Falls. This is something you can enjoy with friends or family.

We at Sabili Tours would be happy to plan a trip for you to Jinja. Contact us here.


These falls are a lovely attraction for the curious, the daring and the wanderlust traveler. Located in Jinja town, a 3 hour drive from the capital of Uganda, they are a nice draw away from the busy town. More a series of rapids than falls, they will captivate you and blow you away.

From ancient myths about gods, daring displays from locals who will float on the rapids with only a jerrycan, it is an escape from the daily norm and a worthwhile visit. Travelers take a peculiar delight in watching local men throw themselves into the top of the falls with nothing more than a plastic Jerry can, sealed with an avocado, to keep them alive. A dance with the gods daring them to do what they can to stop it. It has camping grounds in case you decide to stay there for a while.


Contact us here to arrange a trip to the famous Bujagali Falls.


It’s a new year and you definitely want to see some new places. Here are some of the places you wanna travel this time;

The City Of Love

Betches Love This City: Paris - Betches Love This

Paris is a place of many possibilities. It always strikes me as a honeymoon and anniversary destination. It’s somewhere you can’t help but fall in love. Take your partner and spend a while there. Don’t miss your chance to see other sights in France.

The City That Never Sleeps

New York - City of Opportunities - The Wondrous Pics

New York is definitely the place to be for all those who like life in the fast lane. With a night life to be rivaled by Kampala where people never sleep, it’s definitely where you want to party and play. It’s not the only city you would want to see in USA, take a detour through Manhattan and anywhere else you have dreamed of seeing.

The Quiet Getaway

We turned sharp left on the forest path and were confronted by a man brandishing a very large machete. This did not look good. My friend Nick and I had

Ssese Islands are a breath of fresh air,especially if you live in a busy place like Kampala, you reach a point where you need some time away from it all. So take your friends and family and go away for a bit. Located in Uganda, it’s the perfect spot to explore many islands and take lazy beach strolls.

The Popular Holiday Spot

nice makes hawaii renowned throughout the globe hawaii is often used ...

Let’s face it, we have all dreamt of going to Hawaii on vacation. This year should be when you give in and indulge yourself in this trip. Tequila, beaches, festivity, what more could you need?

African Luxury Hotspot

Seychelles Islands, Seychelles | Beautiful Photos and Information

Seychelles Island  has become a much sought after destination. Located in the Indian ocean, it is home to some 100,000 giant Aldabra tortoises that live on a  coral atoll.  You can pay for a villa at the North Island resort on a private island where the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge stayed during their honeymoon.

Here at Sabili Tours, we will be delighted to arrange any of these trips for you. Contact us here.


In 2014 we embarked on Around Uganda in 7 trips as a way of promoting popular destinations in the country. We arranged these trips at subsidized prices so as to attract as many people as possible and show them the beauty of Uganda. Some of the places visited were Lake Mburo National Park, Queen Elizabeth Park, Murchison falls, Ssese Islands and Jinja for rafting and Bungee jumping.

Lake Mburo

It is the nearest park to Kampala with the drive taking about 5 hours. You get to see the Equator on your way there and enjoy a scenic route. Some of the activities there include a game drive, horse riding so you can see game from the back of the horse and a boat drive to see the water loving animals. It is also the smallest park though it has over 350 bird species. It is well known for Zebras.


This is about a 7 hour drive from Kampala  and located in Western Uganda. You get to cross the equator and some activities for this trip include game drives and boat rides. It has plenty of elephants so you will have a look as much as you please.



This is an opportunity for a romantic lake side holiday away from the hustle of town. You can walk along the shores, take a boat ride and go enjoy viewing the other islands.


Located in Eastern Uganda, it is a 3 hour drive from Kampala. It is the hub of bungee jumping and rafting. You can go here when you are feeling adventurous.



Help us decide what destination you would like a recap of this year and we shall revisit it. Go to our facebook page and choose here.


Lake Mburo National Park is a compact gem, located conveniently close to the highway that connects Kampala to the parks of western Uganda. It is the smallest of Uganda’s savannah national parks and underlain by ancient Precambrian metamorphic rocks which date back more than 500 million years. – See more at:
Lake Mburo National Park is a compact gem, located conveniently close to the highway that connects Kampala to the parks of western Uganda. It is the smallest of Uganda’s savannah national parks and underlain by ancient Precambrian metamorphic rocks which date back more than 500 million years. – See more at:


A chimp is definitely the kind of animal you would want for company when trapped on an island. For starters, it could be your cousin with a closely matched DNA of 95- 98 percent.  Chimpanzees also develop lifelong family bonds, particularly between mother and child. I t would be a loyal friend. They have the ability to laugh at ridiculous things so you definitely would hear a chuckle and bubble of laughter here and there.

You wouldn’t want for tools and other manual things. So you can dig and cut things and definitely won’t starve. In fact, they use tools for more purposes than any other creature except human beings.

You don’t have to cook. They are  omnivores, which means they eat fruits, nuts, seeds, blossoms and leaves, as well as many kinds of insects and occasionally medium-sized animals. Basically you will fruit gather with your buddy.

You can communicate moreover without the hustle of Mars and Venus language barriers. Chimpanzees communicate in many ways, most notably through sounds and calls. They also communicate with each other through touch, facial expressions and body language. It can be taught sign language and they respond to calls and repeated words followed by a specific action. Chimpanzees communicate physically in ways similar to humans—by kissing, embracing, patting on the back, touching hands, tickling, etc. And they even laugh when they play!

Games chimps play. Like men, chimps too play games. Chimpanzees sometimes get bored and will make up games to amuse themselves. You can set up play dates, hurray.

They make their own beds. You won’t be stuck with making beds, that’s for sure. Each night, chimpanzees make “nests” to sleep in and they never sleep in the same nest twice. The nests are made out of leaves, branches and other materials. Sometimes they even make a pillow out of the softest leaves.


Leopards are territorial predators that are as comfortable in trees as on the ground.

Photo: A leopard rests in a treetop perch

By dragging its prey into trees, it can protect them from scavengers like hyenas. They often spend their days hiding in trees or caves and hunt at night.

Leopards often pace and walk around to mark their territory. They are solitary animals and live alone, only meeting to mate before they separate once again.

Another reason they are such good predators is their ability to swim. Needless to say it almost always traps its prey wherever it hunts from.

In Uganda, you can see them in Kidepo National Park, Murchison Falls and Semliki Nationall Park.

Do contact us so we can arrange a trip for you to see leopards and other intriguing animals such as lions and elephants. Find us here.